

Thanks to its specialized track record, Electa has created a virtuous ecosystem that guarantees a unique position for capital market operations


Creation and launch of innovative investment platforms and deal clubs applied to selected operations (e.g. alternatives, P.I.P.E. – Private Investment in Public Equity, structured investments, etc.) to seize attractive opportunities on public and private markets, both national and international.


Since 2002 Electa has been supporting with Deal Structuring the main European PE funds in the realization of investment transactions – more than 150 to date – carried out with the most varied technicality and for a total transacted amount of more than 10 billion Euro.

Deal Structuring means designing, implementing, and coordinating all the technical, corporate, and financial solutions needed for the implementation of a capital transaction, a transaction or a business combination involving one or more target companies.
Very briefly, Deal Structuring aims to prepare and smoothen the closing execution, satisfying the interests and the expectations of the parties involved, consistent with the agreements negotiated (also supporting the negotiation development with technical tools for analysis and sensitivity) and in efficient terms.

Its main activities are:

It is a kind of highly specialized and niche consultancy and Electa performs it in the best way thanks also to the strong «customer intimacy» reached with PE funds during years of consolidated, professional relationships.